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HomeENT treatmentsVoice disorders and swallowing difficulties › Laryngitis and Voice Therapy

We’re passionate about providing quality healthcare that meets the needs of our community. ENT in Cayman’s new speech therapy and swallowing training services will help you regain your voice, confidence and your life.

Voice Therapy

Our voice therapy program aims to heal vocal cord trauma that can occur after surgery or injury through guided change in vocal behaviors and lifestyle changes.

These tasks eliminate harmful vocal behavior while shaping healthy behavior that promote sustainable and long-lasting vocal cord health.

There are no risks or downsides to participating in voice therapy.

Who needs voice therapy?

Voice therapy helps both adults and children. Singers, teachers, attorneys and others who speak a lot may be more prone to some conditions.

You may require voice therapy if you have:

  • Laryngitis
  • Muscle tension dysphonia
  • Vocal tremor
  • Vocal cord dysfunction
  • Vocal cord lesions
  • Vocal cord paralysis

Voice disorders affect your voice box and can cause a change in your voice, including the quality, pitch or loudness of your voice.

Why is it important?

Your ability to communicate effectively – be it while giving a presentation at work or while singing in the church choir – depends heavily on your ability to property speak and use your vocal cords.

Left untreated, some vocal cord conditions can also lead to more severe symptoms like hoarseness, difficulty swallowing, shortness of breath or trouble breathing.

What happens in voice therapy?

Our trained professionals will guide you through a variety of exercises that help improve vocal function.

  • Breathing exercises to control your diaphragm that enables you to breathe and speak
  • Tension release exercises such as stretching and massage
  • Semi-occluded vocal tract sounds like humming to promote vocal cord vibration
  • Voice building exercises to strengthen vocal cords and promote breath support

Therapy generally consists of one to two therapy sessions per week for 4-8 weeks. The duration of therapy will be determined by the origin and severity of the issue as well as patient commitment to the practice and generalization of new vocal behaviors even outside the therapy session.

Are speech therapy and voice therapy the same?

Yes and no. Speech therapy is a term that encompasses a variety of therapies, including voice therapy.

Most insurance companies refer to voice therapy as speech therapy, but they are the same if provided by a certified and licensed speech-language pathologist.